Monday, 19 February 2007

Exclusive!!!! Bob's First *Ever* Pop Promo!!!....

...It's arty, it's farty, it's intense, brooding, moody....erm....

Alright, it's me lying in the bath.

L.U.V. on y'all,


Visit me in MunterSpace - 10,000 Goth Girls Splattered in Feck Blood Can't be Wrong!!!!!!!!

Watch Bob's promos on Youtube

Bob's old blog - it's much better than *this* rubbish!

Listen to Bob's songs at!

Listen to Bob's songs at!

Listen to Bobcasts here!

© 2007 Swipe Enterprises


Spinsterella said...

I am *not* clicking that link.

Is anyone else brave enough?

rockmother said...

I'm just about to - I'll report back if I'm not too hysterical and need to call the emergency services.

rockmother said...

I can't get it to play to the end but he's got a nice line in co-ordinated turquoise towel and flannel set.

Bob - what DO you think you are doing?

Spinsterella said...

Have just watched it.

Through my fingers, mainly. Cackling.

Romo, the last few seconds is the best bit. Payoff time. Sort of.

(I still like Wallis much better btw Bob.)

Istvanski said...

I shall never, ever, EVER, read this blog again. It's worse than looking at pictures of Dean Windass!

Istvanski said...

PS - and to think that RoMo has actually subscribed to more of this stuff!?!

rockmother said...

Ister - who's the stalker now?
I just had to - baby jesus made me.

Betty said...

First Britney Spears taking the shears to her hair ... now this ...

Let's count our blessings. At least we don't get to see the cockrot.

Istvanski said...

RoMo - Was this your first attempt at directing Swipe? Any juicy revelations that you could post on PromoBabylon? Why would I want to stalk Bob now that everyone's seen him in all his "glory"?

Bob mate, I knew you said that you didn't give a shit about what anyone thought of you (and you've proved me right with this latest post of yours) - but this is ridiculous!

Stray Photon said...

Nice tiles Bob. Good bit of grouting.

Istvanski said...

D'ya know what the next 'promo' is?

It's for an old Aerials tune. The video clip features Roberta sitting on the bog.

"Oh she's gone and disapeared...for a shit and a piddle..."

Bob Swipe said...

Now you're just being silly....

[thinks: it *could* work.....all I need is a half decent rhyme for piddle....]

L.U.V. on ya,


p.s. the next one will be a lot less disturbing - how could it not be?

rockmother said...

On the bog - that's very rock'n'roll. I once interviewed Nirvana with Chris Novoselic taking a dump (no shit! pardon the pun), Kurt Cobain lying on the floor in a smelly cardigan (pretty strung out) and Dave Grohl in the bath with no clothes on. So Bob - you should!

baggiebird said...

Bob in the bath.... All I have to say is nice tiles (the song was pretty good aswell )

xx Baggie

realdoc said...

Mr. Swipe, why no water in your bath?
I liked the song too, especially the references to the shipping forecast.

Howesy said...

Well what can I say?

I thought it would be many years before I saw those knees again.

I too take baths without water, it saves time with the drying.

I heard your cock-rot was bad mate, but it appears to have turned into a turquoise hand-towel, has the consultant been consulted? Too many breezers?

Bob Swipe said...

There *so* was water in there too realdoc!

I don't suppose anyone spotted the knife did they..?

Glad you liked the shipping gags,

L.U.V. on ya,


Billy said...

That was rather good - nice one Bob!