Monday, 12 February 2007


There's a new, Nun-eating-Monster Heavy Metal Tune up here for you all to get on down to....

I wrote the chorus when I was about twenty - which just goes to show, the old ones *really* are the best....

L.U.V. on y'all,


Visit me in MunterSpace - 10,000 Goth Girls Splattered in Feck Blood Can't be Wrong!!!!!!!!

Bob's old blog - it's much better than *this* rubbish!

Listen to Bob's songs at!

Listen to Bob's songs at!

Listen to Bobcasts here!

© 2007 Swipe Enterprises


Billy said...

Soon the links at the bottom of the post will be longer than the post itself.

baggiebird said...

Maybe that's bob's next mission on the blogsphere

realdoc said...

Here you are R.S.

Bob Swipe said...

Well, the comments are longer than the posts these days, so why worry?

L.U.V. on all four of ya...


Spinsterella said...

Hello, I'm here too. You didn't thing you'd escape, did ya?

Bob Swipe said...

Scratch that - 5!

Cheers Spin,

L.U.V. on ya,


the whales said...

Ah, here you are Swipe. found you via baggiebird.